How to stop players bunching whilst playing

We get constantly asked how to stop players from bunching together like sheep and leaving “positions”. We have put together a few ideas of how this might be developed for your younger athletes. Check out the challenges we have put together below.

We have collate a number of different types of research and put together our top 3 ways of supporting your players understanding of not bunching. Reach through the pro’s and con’s of each below.


Coaches in the past have used the Restrict technique to see if they can help players from stop Bunching up around the ball. This technique has been successful at times as players get a clear understanding of the thirds of the pitch they operate in.

An alternative way is to divide the pitch into 4 quarters and restrict players from leaving and to become active once the ball enters their area.

This challenge is a great for setting clear and defined objectives for the players to stick to though doesn’t allow any natural progression via runs or dribbles into the next zone… or could you add that in?



Where the Restrict style allows the players to operate solely in their units, they tend to restrict the modern movements within the game. The Relate section now allows players to move in their channels and zones relating to the position they play in. So, for example a full back would only work the channel and inside slightly in the defensive zone. Like what a heat map would show for a player’s position post a game (see image.)

Even though this session allows position specific attention to the players and considering the age groups this will be aimed at, we feel that it still may have too much restrictions on the players development, this is where Reward comes in…


Whilst the previous two provides strict guidelines for players to follow this one encourages movement though under constraints prior to. You can add in challenges for the players to adhere to prior to someone advancing…

  “The player must do ‘X’ before advancing forward”.

  “Before 1 player can go into the next zone, ‘X’ must happen”.

These restraints allow movement through the areas, and challenges the memory and thinking aspect of the players developing, asking the question of “can I go?”, “should I go?”, or “What happens IF I go?

Session we’d recommend for this develop is the 3, 2, 1 Possession practice as it has team restrictions on the ball and supports the principles of moving between zones. Apply the information you have here with that session and

Recommended Sessions...

Author: S. Noakes

Further Reading

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